生活與夢想之間的某個地方 / Somewhere Between Living and Dreaming
● 展覽介紹 Exhibition Statement:
紐約生活與夢想過程中捕捉到的瞬間。這部作品探討了生存和繁榮時奮鬥的進展和消退。在這段旅程中,街道是一塊畫布 — 對某些人來說是柔軟而熱情的,對於其他人來說,是艱難且無情的。隨著他們的故事展開,現在是時候漂浮在角色的上方和周圍,以便我們觀察他們在紐約的生活與夢想。
Moments in time captured along the continuum of living and dreaming in New York. This body of work examines the progression and regression of the struggle to survive and thrive.
For this journey, the street is a canvas which for some is soft and welcoming,
for others, hard and unforgiving. Now it is time to float above and around our characters as their stories unfold so that we may observe them Living and Dreaming in New York.