Cetaceans in different latitudes

The image records from the surface of the water to the bottom of the water; from the surrounding waters around Taiwan, to the azure and warm south Pacific islands, the cold sea breeze of Patagonia, and even the snow-covered polar fjords; from spinner dolphins, humpback whales, southern right whales, and killer whales, in order to better understand the cetaceans that live in different seas, I started the quest for cetacean photography in many different seas.

Ecology photography, as its name suggests, involves the understanding of the targets’ biological features and the ecological information of their living environment so that the most charming moments can be captured. Taking the cetaceans as the focus and starting from personal experience and feelings, the aesthetic sharing, research collaboration, and educational promotion will spread out the information related to the ocean and environment like the ripple of waves!

In the process of encountering these big whales, I clearly felt their curiosity of their surroundings. Like other creatures in the environment, they also tried to observe the people in the water at a close distance. Their huge size created strong senses of amazement and touching moments.

Mikurajima is located 200 km south of Tokyo. It is a small island isolated from the world. The average number of dolphins living around Mikurajima is about 120-130. It means that the environmental conditions of the surrounding seas, such as food and space, can generally support this number of dolphins.

Península Valdés, Argentina, is one of the important habitats of southern right whales. Every winter, the two bays in the north and south of the peninsula will be full of the whales breeding and nourishing new life. Besides the normal grey and black whales, there is a very high percentage of albino whales, with an average of 5-7 percent.

Ray Chin

Ray Chin

As an ecology photographer and environmental education worker, I started to engage in photography in university. My works mainly focus on the creatures and environment in nature. With my love for the ocean, I came to Hualien on the east coast, encountered the mysterious cetaceans, felt fascinated by them, and finally chose to live in Hualien and serve as a volunteer of the Kuroshio Ocean Education Foundation. The experience of ocean ecology photography in the past twenty years has ranged from the images above the surface of the water, the underwater images during the visits to different places in the world in recent years, to the related records of the sea areas around Taiwan. It is expected that the works will encourage more friends to learn about the blue ocean surrounding us.




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2019 台灣再生能源推動聯盟(TRENA)作品義賣作品提供
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2018 黑潮二十.島航計畫攝影總召集人
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