創 見 台 灣 攝 影 藝 術 蓬 勃 發 展
「SKM PHOTO 新光三越國際攝影系列活動」自2007年創辦以來,旨在提供攝影同好盡情揮灑的舞台及攝影藝術推廣,每年吸引超過10萬名參觀人次、攝影愛好者共同參與,並深獲各界好評,除每年舉辦國際競賽獎掖攝影新秀外,更增設展演交流平台參展機制,邀請台灣獨具個人風格攝影師加入巡迴展演、建立一完善攝影作品典藏制度,增添台灣攝影影像藝術發展的全面性與多樣性,更期待透過百貨商場多元性的空間集結相關產業,讓攝影藝術得到更多迴響,並增進其市場潛力,開闢台灣攝影藝術成為華人指標性的活動,共同創見台灣攝影影像藝術蓬勃發展。
The ability to witness Taiwan’s blooming photographic image art is the common goal of every photographic image art creator in the country. Since its inception in 2007, SKM PHOTO (Shin Kong Mitsukoshi International Photography Contest) has been dedicated to providing a stage for photography enthusiasts to fully display their talents and promote photographic art, attracting more than 100,000 visitors each year. The active participation by photography enthusiasts has won praise from all walks of life. Besides holding international competitions and cultivating new talented photographers every year, SKM PHOTO has also added an exhibition and exchange platform by inviting Taiwanese photographers with unique personal styles to join the touring exhibitions. The idea is to establish a perfect collection system for photographic works, thereby adding comprehensiveness and diversity in the development of Taiwan’s photographic image art. It is also expected that the gathering of related industries through the use of the diverse spaces of department stores will allow photographic art to be make a resounding impression. Other purposes are to enhance the market potential, open up Taiwan’s photographic art to become an indicator activity for the Chinese people, and jointly witness the flourishing development of Taiwan’s photographic image art.
The ability to witness Taiwan’s blooming photographic image art is the common goal of every photographic image art creator in the country. Since its inception in 2007, SKM PHOTO (Shin Kong Mitsukoshi International Photography Contest) has been dedicated to providing a stage for photography enthusiasts to fully display their talents and promote photographic art, attracting more than 100,000 visitors each year. The active participation by photography enthusiasts has won praise from all walks of life. Besides holding international competitions and cultivating new talented photographers every year, SKM PHOTO has also added an exhibition and exchange platform by inviting Taiwanese photographers with unique personal styles to join the touring exhibitions. The idea is to establish a perfect collection system for photographic works, thereby adding comprehensiveness and diversity in the development of Taiwan’s photographic image art. It is also expected that the gathering of related industries through the use of the diverse spaces of department stores will allow photographic art to be make a resounding impression. Other purposes are to enhance the market potential, open up Taiwan’s photographic art to become an indicator activity for the Chinese people, and jointly witness the flourishing development of Taiwan’s photographic image art.